2013年10月21日 星期一



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(Picture – 1: THAAD)

據加拿大出版的<<漢和防務評論>>十月刊指出﹐美國國防公司Lockheed Martin正向台灣建議建立大氣層外反導系統。由此可見﹐美方推銷Lockheed Martin旗下THAAD的意味相當重﹐因為THAAD是少數有大氣層反導能力而且有外銷紀錄的武器。THAAD系統為美軍現役其中一款最優秀的防空系統﹐它不但具有防空功能﹐而且它還可以擔任反彈導飛彈的任務﹐為美國導彈防禦計劃當中重要的一環。本人就消息向Lockheed Martin公司確認﹐但沒有明確的回應。總括其他網上媒體的消息[1]美國現在正積極向外推銷包括THAAD的新型軍備﹐而台灣亦名列美方目標之一﹐可見<<漢和>>的說法可信性甚高。






1 台軍叛變




2 美方的資訊利益

            由歷史來看﹐美國一向有以武器換取台灣分享情資的傾向。60年代至70年代美國中情局借予台灣政府先進的U-2偵察機﹐由台灣空軍派員進入內地空拍。現在美方有向台灣出售功率超群的Pave Paws鋪路爪長程預警雷達。台美軍事交易一向有互利為基本依歸﹐而美方一向樂意台灣成為美國的前哨﹐以中國內地的情資作為回報。


由此可見﹐台灣購入THAAD在基礎上加強了台、美同盟的關係。就算礙於中美三個聯合公報﹐台灣難以像日本和南韓一樣和美國親密交往﹐但THAADPave Paws的互補偵測效果已經足以吸引美方維持台、美關係。而且﹐和U-2這樣的交易不同﹐台方這次最多只是金錢上付出而不用犧牲人命﹐即可換得近乎獨步全球的防空反導武力。


3 中方態度








4 台灣能力



(Picture 2 – 天弓三型 )


            台灣防空飛彈密度在全球是數一數二的高﹐但他們對飛彈的部哲學卻令人不敢恭維。台灣的<<全球防衛雜誌>>就曾經用GOOGLE EARTH把台灣軍方的愛國者2+飛彈陣地找了出來﹐不禁令人懷疑台軍對抗內地攻擊的能力。










(Picture 3 – Options in the past)


            雷神公司的PAC-3的美方單價為二至三百萬美元Lockheed MartinTHAAD美方單價為一千二百萬美元。所以﹐PAC-3大約是THAAD六分一至四分一的價錢﹐但PAC-3的反導防禦面積亦比THAAD少很多(按半徑推算只有百分之一)﹐而且PAC系統比THAAD系統老近20年(以開始研究算起)。



(Picture 4 –日本空域)


Picture Source:

[Picture 3]: Import or Die: Taiwan’s Stalled Force Modernization, Defence Industry Daily, Viewed 18th Oct, 2013,  http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/taiwans-unstalled-force-modernization-04250/



[1]: Brendan McGarry, DoD Buzz (Online Defence and Acquisition Journal), Pentagon Contracting Surged Before Shutdown, Viewed 18th Oct, 2013, http://www.dodbuzz.com/2013/10/11/pentagon-contracting-surged-before-shutdown/

[2]: J. Michael Cole, Taiwan places US$921M order for PAC-3 missiles, Taipei Times, Viewed 18th Oct, 2013, http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2012/02/02/2003524483

[3]: AN/TPY-2: America’s Portable Missile Defence Radar, Viewed 18th Oct, 2013,

[4]: THAAD Terminal High-Altitude Area Defence, United State of America, Viewed 18th Oct, 2013, http://www.army-technology.com/projects/thaad/



Would Taiwan go for THAAD?

Would Taiwan go for THAAD?

Author: Dasein
Facebook Page: Page
The Glocal: The Glocal

(Picture – 1: THAAD)

            With reference to Kanwa Defence Review, a Canadian military magazine, Lockheed Martin has tried to persuade Taiwan developing exoatmospheric interceptor system. It seems that it was very likely for Lockheed Martin to promote their THAAD to Taiwan. THAAD is an outstanding air defence system, it is capable to undergo anti-aircraft mission and anti-ballistic missile mission. THAAD was sold to UAE recently, therefore it is possible for the US to looking other potential users. Although I have contacted Lockheed Martin to confirm this information, they did not give me a clear reply. However, there are number of internet sources said the US was seeking an opportunity to export military technology to number of countries, including Taiwan.


THAADPAC-3 and F-16

            Taiwan government is now looking for number of systems that can take parts in air defence, for example PAC-3 and F-16C/D. Republic of China (Taiwan) Army will receive their PAC-3 launcher in 2014 or 2015.[2] However, the US government has not yet approved the F-16C/D sales for 7 years.

            People generally believe mainland China has exerted pressure on the US in order to delay the military sales. Hence, Taiwan government were urgently looking for high end weapons, they wish to threat mainland China, which was more and more powerful, from invading Taiwan.

             Although the US has passively involved in military sales to Taiwan recently, the US is now trying to export THAAD to Taiwan. The action of the US may sound weird but I have some theories, my theories will suggest THAAD can be easily sold to Taiwan while F-16 cannot.


1 Risk of Defection

            Because of the nature of grounded weapons, THAAD is basically impossible to lose in defection. Taiwan pilots do not have a clean history for defecting to mainland China. Also, it is easy for us to doubt the general loyalty of Taiwanese forces, if we look into the fail of volunteer military recruitment in Taiwan and number of spy cases recently. We have no surprise for defection in the war if the loyalty of corps are low.


2 Information collection for the US

            For decades, the US were sharing good military systems with Taiwan if Taiwan could provide more information from mainland China. In 60s to 70s, Central Intelligence Agency of the US had generously shared their U-2 reconnaissance with ROCAF. Back to 2013, the US is sharing one of the most powerful radar, Pave Paws, with Taiwan. The information from mainland has always been the best return for the US.

            THAAD is portable surface-to-air missile (SAM) system, a unit of THAAD would have their own high-power radar to locating hostile planes and missiles. Although the accurate configuration of THAAD is classified, THAAD can detect high altitude target from 1000km and attack from 200km.  If THAAD is deployed in Taiwan, it means that the US and Taiwan will have a clear vision of China high altitude sky, from Guangdong to Shanghai.

            It is obvious that THAAD would further bond Taiwan and the US as allies.  The information acquired from Pave Paws and THAAD can be combine and complete each other. As a result, accurate 3D geographical information will be generated. Such radar information would be attractive enough to hold Taiwan and the US together. Unlike the U-2 deal, Taiwan would not risk any of their men, but they can acquire one of the best anti-ballistic missile system.


3 mainland China

            In diplomatic stage, mainland China has been fighting against the military sales to Taiwan. They claims that military sales to Taiwan is against “one China policy”, so they have been fighting for “Ethnical Justice”.

            Nowadays, it is hard to believe Taiwan government is still planning to strike back mainland. In fact, the Taiwan military sales has an important role in regional military rebalance. The rebalance of power between the Taiwan Strait (Formosa Strait) would help to hold the regional peace.

            In fact, Taiwan military sales would upset mainland China because this would deterring them from having military action against Taiwan.

            If Taiwan military power is secured in Taiwan, Taiwan would have less change to interfere international issues, such as the arguments in the East Sea and South Sea. The isolation of Taiwan’s influence would be important in China’s diplomatic plan.

On the other hand, THHAD can only conduct defensive mission, while F-16 can take an aggressive role. THAAD in Taiwan could be very useful in air-defence, but only fighter planes can help Taiwan undergo active defence strategy. THAAD can only threat mainland China if they walk into Taiwan’s front door, but F-16 can play differently. In other words, mainland China may want Taiwan to spend their budget for THAAD instead of F-16 because of the easiness of risk control.


4 Weapons Development of Taiwan

            In US-Taiwan military sales history, the US government would provide military research help for Taiwan military technology development. However, the US would sell similar products to Taiwan when Taiwan was close to research success. For example, F-16 sales, Harpoon sales and AIM-120 sales.

            If the US was working under the same philosophy, the sales of THAAD would be the sign of the success of their Sky Bow III SAM missile. Sky Bow III is a SAM and anti-ballistic missile newly developed by Taiwan. Although Sky Bow III has been developed for years, there was no external source can recognize its capability.  

 (Picture 2 – Sky Bow III )


Problem of Taiwan Air Defence System

            With reference to Defence International, Taiwanese Military Magazine, they have found their PAC-2+ deployment sites with google earth. They have doubted the survivability of the launching site.

            However, it was not totally the ROC Army’s fault. PAC-2+ had only 20km operational radius if they were deployed to intercept ballistic missile. It was no way for Taiwan Army to hide their launching site well in the city without affecting local citizens. If Taiwan imports THAAD from the US, location will no longer be a problem because the operational radius of THAAD is about 200km [4].

            It seems that THAAD is a good option for Taiwan, because THAAD has better survivability and operational range than PAC-2+ or PAC-3.


Military Sales in the Far East

            From internet medias, it seems that the US government was actively seeking military sales opportunities. At the same time, some news reviews that South Korea was looking for SM-3, which is a ship-based anti-ballistic missile. We may conclude that the nations in the Far East are trying to equip with anti-ballistic missile system.

            It is certain that mainland China and Russia did not trigger this trend, because they are all having ballistic missiles for years. Also, China and Russia are well equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles, therefore they were not responsible for regional reactions. Actually, the number one suspect is North Korea, North Korea has been looking for ballistic missiles for years, and she has intention to use the missiles as well. If NK is now close to the success of ballistic missile research, this is no surprise that SK would seek for SM-3. Therefore, I believe that it will be a big topic for intelligence service, the agents from different countries will look for the rationales behind potential sales of SM-3 and THAAD.


My Prediction

            For the needs of Taiwan, they may look for weapons like THAAD, PAC-3 and SM-3.

(Picture 3 – Options in the past)

SM-3 should be installed with Aegis system. Taiwanese Navy has been looking for Aegis ship for years because of its outstanding air-defence capability. However, the US government has not agreed to sell Aegis system to Taiwan. Therefore, it is not possible for Taiwan to import SM-3 before having their Aegis ship.

            The unit price of PAC-3 is USD 2-3 million, and the unit price of THAAD is USD 12 million. Although the price of PAC-3 is one fifth of THAAD, however, THAAD can provide 100 times bigger ballistic missile defence zone. Also, PAC system is 20 years older than THAAD.

            It seems that THAAD is a very attractive defence option to Taiwan, but she may not consume many. It is not only because of financial reasons, but also a strategical reason. Mainland China is now aiming more than 1000 short-range ballistic missiles to Taiwan. If Taiwan want to play defensive role in traditional way, they have to deploy up to 2000 THAAD. Taiwan simply cannot afford 2000 THAAD, therefore Taiwan will not seek for absolute ballistic damage free.

            Moreover, if Taiwan deploy THAAD, they should also look for Japanese’s consensus because THAAD operation range will overlap with Japan’s Air. However, Taiwan can also put Senkaku Islands into her defensive zone. Taiwan can use THAAD to play a key role in Senkaku issue between Japan and mainland China.


(Picture 4 – Japan’s and Taiwan’s Territories)

            Hence, it is possible for Taiwan to import some THAAD. With the THAAD, Taiwan can take parts in some international issue, such as Senkaku issue. Also, Taiwan can share information of China’s air with the US in order to strengthen their relationship. Therefore, I believe Taiwan may come up with a High-low mix defence strategy, formed by PAC-3 and THAAD.


Picture Source:

[Picture 3]: Import or Die: Taiwan’s Stalled Force Modernization, Defence Industry Daily, Viewed 18th Oct, 2013,  http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/taiwans-unstalled-force-modernization-04250/



[1]: Brendan McGarry, DoD Buzz (Online Defence and Acquisition Journal), Pentagon Contracting Surged Before Shutdown, Viewed 18th Oct, 2013, http://www.dodbuzz.com/2013/10/11/pentagon-contracting-surged-before-shutdown/

[2]: J. Michael Cole, Taiwan places US$921M order for PAC-3 missiles, Taipei Times, Viewed 18th Oct, 2013, http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2012/02/02/2003524483

[3]: AN/TPY-2: America’s Portable Missile Defence Radar, Viewed 18th Oct, 2013,

[4]: THAAD Terminal High-Altitude Area Defence, United State of America, Viewed 18th Oct, 2013, http://www.army-technology.com/projects/thaad/